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Essay/Term paper: Too bare hamlet

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Book Reports

Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on Book Reports: Too Bare Hamlet, you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. While free essays can be traced by Turnitin (plagiarism detection program), our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Our writing service will save you time and grade.

A son"s tragedy, a brother"s betrayal. A story of

responsibility and revenge is that of William Shakespeare"s

tragedy Hamlet. The theme in the play Hamlet is one that is

great in age and remains present even in today"s

entertainment. A modern story which shares this theme is

Disney"s The Lion King. The characters Simba and Hamlet

are the main characters in both stories and both share many

similarities. Treachery from within the family was the cause

of both character"s losses, and the initial conflict of the

entire story. Along with major characters, the stories also

share similar secondary characters. The characters

Rosencranz and Guildenstern can be compared to the

Disney characters Timon and Pumbaa. The Lion King and

Hamlet share a common theme and reflect one another.

The Prince of Denmark, the Prince of the Pride Lands,

Hamlet and Simba are the main characters of both stories

and share similar situations and traits. Both characters think

highly of their fathers and share a close bond of love with

them. "With all my love I do commend me to you"( II I 184

), proving that Hamlet not only loves his father but also

respects and obeys his wishes. "I was just trying to be

brave like you." Simba says this to his father showing how

much he looks up to him. Hamlet and Simba delay their

action of revenge over their father"s death. The loss of the

fatherly figure leaves Hamlet extremely depressed, and

Simba with feelings of guilt and without a teacher. Each

character runs from their responsibility, although they both

know what must be done inside. It is remarkable that such

similarities exist in the conflicts and actions of both

characters. Hamlet and Simba are betrayed by their uncles

whom murder their fathers in order to fulfill their own

ambitions. Scar and Claudius were both the brother of the

proclaimed King. They both lived in their older brother"s

shadow and were envious of their success. Claudius and

Scar"s envy led them to kill their brothers which allowed

them to seize the throne. "The serpent that did sting thy

father"s life/Now wears his crown. ( I V 38,39 )" "Here"s

my little secret, I killed Mufasa." To keep their newly

claimed throne Scar and Claudius had to guarantee that

there would be no interference from their nephews. Both

Hamlet and Simba were led astray from their home by their

uncle, therefore guaranteeing no interference. "The

associates tend, and every thing is bent/For England."( IV

III 45,46) "Run away! Run away and never return!" In

Hamlet and The Lion King the main characters were

betrayed by their uncle by the murdering of their father and

the seizure of the crown. With major characters in both

works aside, the similarities between secondary characters

in The Lion King and Hamlet are still quite alike. The

characters Rosencranz and Guildenstern can be compared

to the Disney characters Timon and Pumbaa. Both pairs of

characters give relief from the main focus of the stories.

Timon and Pumbaa provided a welcome distraction from

Simba"s responsibilities by introducing him to a carefree life

of "Hakuna Matata." Rosencranz and Guildenstern showed

that Hamlet does enjoy a life outside of the royal house by

mingling with the two friends. Rosencranz and Guildenstern

were used by Claudius to spy upon Hamlet. Hamlet was

aware of his friends betrayal and this was a constant

reminder to Hamlet and the revenge that must be acted

upon Claudius. Timon and Pumbaa were not under the

employment of Scar, nevertheless the sidekick pair provide

a similar function. At one point they attempt to obtain

Simba"s past from his memory. Once Simba gives in, his

memories begin to come back to him and he remembers his

responsibility. He is then convinced to return back to the

Pride Lands and face his problems by the arrival of his old

friend Nala. Although Timon and Pumbaa had no intention

of doing so, they performed the same act of reminding the

main character of their responsibility to their fathers and

their kingdoms that Rosencranz and Guildenstern did. The

theme in Hamlet can be compared to the Walt Disney

movie The Lion King. The influences that Hamlet had on

The Lion King were constant through many things. The

main characters, Hamlet and Simba are comparable by

situations and their actions. The initial conflict was constant

within the two stories in that it was caused by treachery

from within. Along with the main characters and plot

details, the stories were similar in the representation of the

secondary characters. With Hamlet as the influential theme

for the movie The Lion King it resulted in arguably one of

the best animated films of all time. Classical influences

should be more widely recognized by the entertainment

industry for the use of an extraordinary theme. "Bear

Hamlet like a soldier to the stage" ( V II 386 ).  

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